
A Note from the Publisher: Thank you.

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns March 19, 2020

I'm guessing you can relate.  My house is about to feel a whole lot smaller.  I'm training clients virtually.  My husband just got moved to a new our basement.  I have my 2 year old home from daycare.  My 13 year old stepson is adjusting to the concept of alternative learning.  We are all parked and here to stay. 

Your story is likely very similar.  Trying to manage working from make shift home offices with a full house.   Piecing together a  school set-up at your dining room table.  Maybe you are part of the essential personnel and working through child care difficulties just so you can report to work.  Whatever your situation - just breath.

Take a deep breath in.  Know that you are not alone.  

THANK YOU to our front line health care workers.

THANK YOU to those of you in government services.

THANK YOU to the brand new home school educators.

THANK YOU to teachers who have rearranged their entire teaching plan to provide for students to learn from home.

THANK YOU to those stocking shelves and cashing us out.

THANK YOU to the truck drivers getting supplies to our stores.

THANK YOU to the daycare providers ensuring that our essential employees can get to work.

THANK YOU to the endless wellness professionals providing their services online so people can stay fit, healthy, continue with physical therapy, and more.

THANK YOU to all of the restaurants & bars who have adjusted to a major change in their business plan without missing a beat to keep everyone fed with their local favorites.

THANK YOU to everyone doing their part to follow the recommendations and practice social distancing.

THANK YOU to everyone checking in on their neighbors and friends.  Reaching out with a phone call or text.  Ensuring they are all okay during this time.

THANK YOU to all those I missed in this list ( my mama brain is exhausted from this week too!)

THANK YOU ... for taking the time to check out this newsletter and continuing to support a media focused on events, where there are no actual live events to share!

THANK YOU to all of those providing virtual events - so we can get this calendar up and running again so we can help you find your family fun... in a whole new way!

I hope this weeks content in the newsletter is helpful.  Please keep checking back as the events calendar will once again be full of fun (virtual!) activities both from our local community businesses as well as from organizations across the country stepping up to help out during this pandemic!

The weekend is almost here.  Let's all relax, regroup, reset, and get ready to rock these coming weeks the best we can!

With lots of mama love,
