
A Note from the Publisher: Taking Care of YOU!

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns July 30, 2020

Happy Thursday and (almost) end of July!  If it wasn't for the digital read out on my watch, I wouldn't believe myself that we have come to the end of another month.

Normally, we are planning for our final summer trips, making sure we plan ahead enough for school supplies and clothes, and shake our head that when it barely feels like we've gotten into summer, we are already consumed with thoughts and work to be done for the coming season.  This year?  Well, this year is a whole different ballgame.  Well, even the ball games might not be played so I don't even know what to compare this year to! 

 What I do know is that August is a month about preparing for transition.  This year the unknowns are making that so much harder to do, as well as mentally draining.  Are you exhausted mama?  I know I encourage this a lot, but I feel like right now is a time to provide that huge reminder.  Take Care of Mama Bear.  Yep!  That is YOU!  Please make sure you are creating time and space to clear your head, treating yourself (even if it is just to 5 minutes alone with  your cup of coffee!), and giving yourself grace.  Remember mamas - you can give your best when you are your best.  So focus on your health, read a good book, paint your toenails... or whatever self care and pampering makes you feel a little more like YOU!

And yes, GRACE.  Give yourself grace.  Allow yourself to be okay with not having the perfect plan (none of us do!), being prepared in advance (we can't when we don't know what we are preparing for!), and really for whatever doesn't go exactly as you'd hoped.  You are doing great mama.  This times are hard.  But you are doing great.

Looking forward to having these times behind us, but in the meantime - keep you head up, keep finding the good, and keep taking care of YOU.

With lots of mama love,
