
A Note from the Publisher: A Little Bit of "Normal"

...and Happy 4th of July!

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns July 2, 2020

I say "normal" in quotes, because things are far from the the normal we knew.  I'm not a huge fan of the term "new normal". but at the same time, I guess that is kind of what we are discovering.

This week has been the closest thing to normal that we've had since March, and it has me all over the place with how I feel about it all!  My stepson started summer camp and I had to pack a lunch (Packing Lunches:  that is one things I could do without as we redefine normal!!).  My husband had leave the house early as we adapt to a new shuttling routine.  (and then he came right back home since he's working from the house for who knows how long!).  There was swim practice in the evening instead of what has become an actual family dinner time recently.  My toddler has been reunited with a few neighborhood friends for some outdoor interaction at our playground.  My mom came to visit for socially distant outside reunion as we haven't seen each other since February.

Little happenings that make things feel like we can breath a little - yet all things are so different - that it makes me a little short of breath hoping that opening our bubble cautiously is okay.  The rollercoaster of emotions!  I'm sure some of you can relate!  We wish for something that resembles our normal to come back, but of course want to make sure we are still smart and safe!  If you are feeling similar - you aren't alone!

It is exciting to be sharing so much over on our Facebook page (visit HERE and be sure to LIKE!), but of course be smart about what activities and outings are best for you family!  I will continue sharing all that I can for those that are ready to get out there and get active - and will be making decisions based on what our family has decided is best for us regarding which of those we ourselves take part in and feel comfortable doing while maintaining social distancing!

If you see a business, organization, event, or group share their opening updates - feel free to tag @MacKidNorthtowns so we can share as well!

On another note, Happy Independence Day!  I wish you a great Red White and Blue themed weekend as you celebrate the 4th!  Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday!

With lots of mama love, 
