Morning snuggles. Pajama pants to, well, comfy leggings! Tea kettle on. Oatmeal made. Little man with some morning TV time (no judgement!). Notepad open. Pen in hand. Day sketched out. Gratitude journal completed. Intention SET! And GO!
Perfectly timed out or loosely followed, a morning routine to set you day is KEY! Whether you day is filled with (virtual!) appointments in everytime block, or you are just trying to fill the day and keep your sanity while at home with your kiddos, starting your day with a routine is going to set the stage for making it through yet another long day and still hit the pillow at night with the least stress possible!
Do you time block? Jot down a to do list? Pull up your pinterest to plan the activities of the day? Hop on Macaroni Kid to find that great article you saw on keeping your kiddos engaged in learning (yes yes!)? Do you make sure to give yourself a moment to focus on you, meditate, let the tablet occupy the littles so you can drink your coffee in peace for the crazy begins (it's okay!), gratitude journal? Does your routine start with a workout? A morning walk?
Whatever your routine looks like is okay! The key is HAVING one. Being intentional with your time. Making sure your do what you need to do to clear your head and set yourself up for success for the day to come!
If you don't currently plan your start to your day, I encourage your to take a few moments and think about 3 things you can do every morning that will help you fill your cup! Grab that coffee (or tea for me!), pick up your pencil (or closet crayon!), and write down what your ideal morning looks like! Start tomorrow and see what setting the stage for the day can do for you!
For those that have been rocking the morning routine all along, I'd love to hear what yours looks like! For those just starting to carve out this time to start your day right, feel free to share what you are prioritizing as your feet hit the floor in the morning! You can always email me at and I'd be happy to share your tips - or look for this article posted on our Facebook page at and let's chat in the comments!
With lots of mama love,