
A Note from the Publisher: ...And Then it Snowed!?!

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns April 16, 2020

SNOW.  Again.  I mean...what?!  I looked out the window this evening though and realized that the snow actually reminding me of a FIRST snow of the season.  The first snow is usually the one that I love, but in mid April?  Ouch!  

After I rolled my eyes and made a sarcastic "Thanks Buffalo!" comment under my breath, I decided to look out the window again.  This time, with new perspective.  I ignored the cold and the ridiculousness of snow this late in the spring, and instead just took in its beauty.  I think what I love about the first snow is that outside it isn't all dark and baron yet.  Usually the first snow falls on a greener grass.  On bushes and trees that still have some leaves.  The rich colors of the fall provide a gorgeous backdrop when those first sparkles of bright white start falling from the sky.  Spring has started to arrive here according to our lawns and garden beds, and that glorious rich green color has started paint the picture outside our windows.  This April snow is falling on that brightened landscape and while that white stuff is still no fun to be showered with,  today it had a beauty about it that we just don't see when it lands on  the winter scene of dirty slushy roads and a brown on brown nature.

The current situation of the world is one that definitely doesn't seem all that pretty either.  It probably has earned its fair share of eye rolls, negative talk, and worry.  While all that is valid, maybe it's worth closing your eyes, and opening them up again to see the same reality of our situation, but with fresh perspective.  To find some joy.  Some shining lights.  To find that green grass that makes the snowflakes not seem so bad - even if just for the moment.

I keep reminding myself of all the positives that have come out of this.  The ability to make dinners that don't require a 15 minute or less prep time.  To sit down at the table and all eat together.  To start the day a little less rushed. (Still early, I mean - I have a toddler who doesn't believe in sleeping in!) - but less hectic.  I'm watching my son get so excited when daddy comes of from the basement for a quick work break or lunch and I'm seeing that bond grow stronger just by bonus moments of being together.  On the nicer days (and hopefully many more of them in near future!), I've been able to get out for long walks and not feel rushed to get back home.  I could go on.  Don't get my wrong; I'm still stressed, worried, having my moments of frustration, hate seeing our kids missing out on milestones, structure and friends.  My heart aches for the local business owners right now and look forward to the day that they can welcome us in once again.  I know this is far from over and don't want to see us rush back into "normal".  So, I choose to find that greener grass to find some mental peace as we navigate this unknown road!

Just my thoughts late on this Thursday night!  I hope you are all doing well considering.  I wish for you those moments of joy among the unfortunate worry.  I look forward to someday soon coming to you weekly with a calendar filled with activities to help your children and our local businesses thrive!  Until then, stay strong, know you are not alone, and enjoy finding the joy!!

With lots of mama love, 
