
A Note from the Publisher: A Special Friday Night Edition!

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns April 10, 2020

Happy Friday Night!  Well, we've done it.  We have made it through another week of this craziness - however that is defined for you.

I wanted to hop into your inbox this evening for a Friday night edition (instead of our regular Thursday update!) to say...  YOU ARE DOING GREAT.  These times are crazy, weird, unknown, stressful, and I'm sure a long list of other things to describe how you are feeling!  Mamas!  First, it's okay to feel whatever it is you are feeling!  I'm right here with ya feeling too!  Second, however structured or unstructured things have been, you are doing awesome!  This may all be playing out far from your definition of perfect or ideal, but you are still rocking it mama!

If you can, take this Friday night and give yourself some praise.  Take a few moments for yourself.  Steep that cup of tea, mix up that hot chocolate, or pour yourself that glass of wine.  (Whatever your fancy!)  Maybe a long bath is completely unrealistic (if you can swing it though, soak it up!), but possibly grab a hot shower before bed.  Or paint your toe nails.  Or shoot, watch some (far from!) reality TV and let yourself escape for a little bit!  Video chat with some girlfriends, leave the laundry for the morning, and just have a little bit of YOU time however you can!

Just remember to take care of mama bear!  And with that, I'm going to take my own advice.  My son just went down.  The teenager and husband are doing their own things.  I have a hot shower calling my name and then will decide between catching up on some favorite shows or cracking open a book and escaping into another world for a little bit!  Goodnight mamas and enjoy your YOU time!

With lots of mama love, 
