Tonight, we sat down at our table and ate dinner. Together.
What is going on in the world today is scary. It's unimaginable. It has our lives turned upside down. It's not easy for anyone. But, I have been able to find a little joy in this change of pace. I hope you have been able to as well.
Dinner in our house in more of a dance through the kitchen. Different meals, different times, and always seeming rushed. Myself? I often eat whatever is left. Parts of what was prepared for others, the rest of my toddlers dinner (if it didn't end up on the floor!), or I'll create a more substantial meal but at a ridiculous hour! It's not unlike so many other families in our community! I'm sure a few of you can relate!
Today, I didn't have to run around for after school & daycare pick ups. We didn't have to turn right back around in record time and be out of the house for evening obligations. Today (and many days in the last few weeks) I made a dinner that required more than 15 minutes of prep & cook time! I could put food in the oven and be home for it to cook. Most importantly, since no one had any place to be, we sat down together for dinner.
Normally the dining room table has folded laundry, the mail, random items dropped in passing as we rush in and out throughout the week. But, I cleaned it off. I moved dinner from the stools at the kitchen counter to an actual table. We all sat at the same time. We don't celebrate a lot of family time - so for this mama heart - tonight's dinner was glorious.
It's the little things that are actually the big things! In this troubling times, I hope you have been able to find some joy in whatever change of pace this has brought to you household!
In this weeks newsletter I hope you find some great information for staying busy at home, education and entertaining the kids, and finding your own ways to create some calm and personal time during all of this! Check out all the tips and ideas here as well as by following along with our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram! You can find both at @MacKidNorthtowns! Be sure to like & follow for all the latest that our community is doing to come together at a distance!
With lots of mama love,