
A Note from the Publisher: Bears, Rainbows, and lots of Chalk Art

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns March 26, 2020

Walking.  That is my therapy through all of this.  Getting out for a daily walk.

There definitely have been a few mornings of very frozen fingers as we are just on the edge of the season changing.  But, I'm still lacing up my sneakers, loading my son into his stroller, and heading out.  It is the thing I have loved most over the past few years as a way to take care of mama while still bonding with my little guy!  In the winter, I miss it!  With a house full of our family and the unknown of when we will take steps back towards somewhat normalcy in our daily lives, these walks had to start happening regardless of the temperature.  

Today's walk (in gorgeous weather this time!!) brought me such JOY during these troubling times!!  It showed me what an amazing community we have and how we really do all become united when things get rough.  This morning I brought my son on a bear hunt.  We chased rainbows.  And, we even checked out some beautiful and uplifting chalk art.

Have you noticed this in your own neighborhood?  Crafted rainbows in windows from our children; not just for the days art lesson but to share with them how we can spread some light during the darkness.  Stuffed bears propped up on the inside of the glass to be seen from the sidewalk, giving us a fun activity whole we stroll outside.  Little things that we can do to bring smiles and a feeling that we are all in this together.  United.  

And finally, the chalk art.  During our walk today I saw a mother and her 4 children ahead of me.  They stopped and pulled out a box of chalk as I continued to walk by.  When I returned back down the same stretch of sidewalk it was covered in fun pictures and great messages.  "This too shall pass."  "Everything will be okay."  And my favorite, "I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom, for me and you, and I think to myself, what a wonderful world!"  Kudos to this mama for getting her kids involved and showing them how to chalk the walk to lift up others!  It sure brought a smile to my face!

That's all.  I just wanted to share how these little actions make such a big difference!  Keep it up and keep spreading those much needed smiles!

With lots of mama love,
