
A Note from the Publisher: Taking Care of Mama Bear

By Carrie Boyle - Publisher, Macaroni Kid Buffalo Northtowns February 20, 2020

Each week I have the honor of digging up all the great things to do with your kids in our community.  Every Thursday I get to deliver you both fun and educational information related to events, activities, and articles about parenting, crafts, family pleasing foods, mom approved products and services, and so much more!  What I want to make sure of is that we as parents don't leave out one crucial part of the parenting puzzle... Taking Care of Mama (or Dada!) Bear.

You've probably heard the saying 'You can't pour from an empty cup' and it couldn't be more true!  Parenting takes everything you have!  (And some days even more than that...)  It's is both physically and emotionally exhausting ... and absolutely amazing.  I wouldn't trade the sleepless nights, the toddler breakdowns, and the oh so stubborn personality that comes from a child discovering their independence.  The beautiful thing is that all that also comes with those magical moments as your watch your child learn something new, the absolute joy that beams from their face, the hugs, kisses, snuggles and all that pride that we get to enjoy by being a parent!  But phew!  It can sure drain us!

Parenting takes a lot of GIVE.  So we need to make sure we give to ourselves!  Fill your own cup so you have the energy, are in the right headspace, are controlling your stress and anxiety, and you've found love for yourself so you can begin to share that love with others!  Why am I talking about this?  Because this platform is all about parenting and self care is a huge part of it!

I want to hear from YOU:

  1. What is one thing  you do for yourself that you know helps you be a better parent?
  2. What do you want to learn more about right here at Macaroni Kid to make sure you have all the info you need to take care of mama bear?


  • area spas for massages and pedicures
  • simple nutrition
  • gyms with childcare
  • home fitness
  • how to use essential oils to control anxiety and keep your calm
  • where to go for a girls night out
  • simple make up and hair
  • skincare

Hop on over to THIS POST on the Macaroni Kid Facebook page and join in the discussion!  I can't wait to hear from you and look forward to learning what you want to read about in future newsletters!

With lots of mama love,
